方丈新年祝福 | 2019年元旦,上海玉佛禅寺觉醒大和尚送祝福!

方丈新年祝福 | 2019年元旦,上海玉佛禅寺觉醒大和尚送祝福!


Dear Buddhists, dear friends:


Happy New Year! From the renovated Shanghai Jade Buddha Temple, let me take this opportunity to wish you all the very best in the year to come. May wisdom and good fortune be with you! May our motherland be peaceful and prosperous!


In 2018, we have bloomed and harvested many fruitful results. 2018 marks the 40th anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening-up. This policy has indeed benefited the nation and the people. The successful convening of the “Two Sessions” represents a well-functioning government and a harmonious society. The China International Import Expo, the world’s first national-level import-themed expo wonderfully held in Shanghai, symbolizes openness, diversification, trade liberalization and economic globalization. The World Buddhist Forum was held successfully, which filled us with the joy of Dharma. The official implementation of the newly revised Regulations on Religious Affairs marks a new stage for the construction of the religious legal system.


In the past year, Shanghai Jade Buddha Temple also achieved many accomplishments. The “ambulatory” Main Shrine Hall has been renovated, therefore the entire temple becomes solemn and tranquil. Furthermore, we have made great efforts on promoting culture, art, charity and on improving temple management, which have yielded a significant progress. In the new year, we will continue to do contributions to the harmony of society.


As taught in the Buddhist sutra, “On hearing the bell, your defilements will be removed. Thus increase your wisdom and the degree of enlightenment.” Within the auspicious bell of the New Year and the blessing of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, let us face the prosperity and adversity of life with deep reverence, gratitude, optimism, and hope. Through our daily life, let us accumulate the merits and wisdom for enlightenment.


Finally, on behalf of the monks and lay Buddhists of the Jade Buddha Temple, I wish the children grow up with happiness, the senior citizens enjoy longevity and health, all of our friends have a happy family, our country be prosperous and thriving, and our world be peaceful!


Namo Amitabha!

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