


Recently, under the appointment of Ven. Ming Sheng, President of the Guangdong Buddhist Association (GDBA) and Director of the English Base for Buddhist Exchange (EBBE), and under the guidance of Ven. Miao Yi, Secretary General of GDBA and Deputy Director of EBBE, a team led by Ven. Laidong provided Chinese-Korean interpretation for the 12th China-Korea Buddhist Experience and Practice Activity. In recent years, EBBE has provided Korean translation and interpretation services for many international Buddhist forums, and the latest event was the 22nd China-Korea-Japan Buddhist Friendship Exchange Conference-Zhuhai.



More than 300 people attended the 5-day event, including venerables, officials, representatives of the Association of Korean Buddhist Orders, and devotees home and abroad. The outstanding Chinese-Korean interpreter from EBBE provided consecutive interpretation and accompanying interpretation throughout the event, covering opening and closing speeches, meditation, morning and evening devotions, meal rituals, and visits to two key monasteries Nanhua Temple and Yunmen Temple, etc. To accomplish such challenging tasks, the interpreter not only needs to master Chinese and Korean with a rich accumulation of bilingual Buddhist terminologies and expressions, but also to be capable of swiftly and flexibly dealing with changes and challenges on the spot.


The interpreter of this event, Tao Yinglin, has won wide recognition for her efficiency and accuracy. This achievement is highly attributed to her talents and the language training acquired at the base. In the future, EBBE will continue to give full play to its strengths and make contributions to consolidate and deepen the “golden tie” among Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Buddhists, so as to enhance the international influence of Guangdong Buddhism and spread fine traditional Chinese culture and Lingnan Buddhist culture to the world.



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